Peer Reviewed Research Publication:Dieterich, C., Hamsher, S., Anderson, A. (2022). Maximizing the needs of school leaders in online educational leadership coursework. eJournal of Education Policy, 23(2).
Dissertation: Use of Admissions Data to Predict Student Success in Postsecondary Freshman Science
Graduate Thesis: Maximizing Student Memory Retention Through the Use of Effective Closure Activities
MSTA Journal: Lake Michigan Dunes Fieldtrip: The Geology of the Great Lakes
GEER Grant– Indiana Department of Education: over $1M granted for Online Teaching & Learning micro-credential to EDS program development with scholarships for all Indiana schools focusing on rural and high-needs areas.
Advancing Science of Reading in Indiana Planning Grant- Lilly Endowment: $100,000 for research, professional development, curriculum development, and programming designed to enhance and expand SOR for educators.