Remix-Are They Beating the Odds? 2023 (co-presenter Dr. Reuben Rubio)
Are they beating the odds? Effect of chair training on doctoral completion. 2022 (co-presenter Dr. Reuben Rubio)
Micro-courses: making the wild frontier a new reality! 2022
Faculty Development Outside of the Box. 2021 (co-presenter Dr. Terry Gunter)
Doctoral Program Training & Support Outcomes. 2021 (co-presenters Dr. Nathan Lowe, Dr. Reuben Rubio)
Council for Christian Colleges and Universities:
CCCU Doctoral Forum: Dissertation Committees: Chair Perceptions, Training, and Results 2022 (Co-presenters Dr. Nate Lowe, Dr. Ruben Rubio)
InterLearn Virtual Conference: Leading Through Transitions: COVID, Enrollment, Budget, and Other Driving Forces. 2020
American Biblical Higher Education:
Herding the Cats: Developing the Faculty Life Cycle. 2018
Sharpening the Excellence Edge of Your Adult & Online Programs. 2017 (co-presenter Dr. Josh Fisher)
Women of Color Collaborative: Good Mentoring Panel Participant. 2017
MI-ACE Network:
Managers vs. Leaders and Personal Confidence. 2016
Onboarding at Delta College: Lessons in Leadership Preparation and support. 2015
Michigan Science Teachers Association:
Helping Students Retain Information Past the Door! 2011
Build a Bug- Heredity, Genetics, RNA & DNA Revealed! 2010
West Michigan Chemistry Teachers Association (WMCTA Presenters)- Chemical Equilibrium 2009
Using Hawaii to Teach Geology 2003
21st Century Learning Experiences:Teacher Preparation Student Conference presenter- Dune Walk Field Trip: The Geology of the Great Lakes, Cross-Curricular Activities and Your Students! 2010